I am currently (Spring 2024) taking:
- MATH 566: Algebraic Topology III
- MATH 546: Smooth Manifolds II
I have taken the following courses:
Graduate Mathematics
- MATH 565: Algebraic Topology II
- MATH 564: Algebraic Topology I
- MATH 568: Algebraic Geometry II
- MATH 567: Algebraic Geometry I
- MATH 545: Smooth Manifolds 1
- MATH 544: Topological Manifolds
- MATH 506: Representation Theory and Commutative Algebra
- MATH 505: Field and Galois Theory
- MATH 504: Group, Ring, and Module Theory
- MATH 509: Homological Algebra
- MATH 534: Complex Analysis
- MATH 525: Functional Analysis
- MATH 524: Differentiation and Integration with Measure Theory
Undergraduate Mathematics
- MATH 441: Topology
- MATH 340: Abstract Linear Algebra
- MATH 33X: Accelerated Honors Advanced Calculus Sequence
Undergraduate Computer Science
- CSE 484: Computer Security
- CSE 446: Machine Learning
- CSE 421: Algorithms
- CSE 442: Data Visualization
- CSE 473: Artificial Intelligence
- CSE 351: Hardware and Software Interface
- CSE 344: Data Management
- CSE 333: Systems Programming
- CSE 332: Data Structures and Parallelism
- CSE 331: Software Design and Implementation
- CSE 312: Basic Combinatorics and Probability
- CSE 311: Logic and Proof-writing